Four Ways Playing Poker Will Make You a Better Musician

When it comes to inspiration, musicians are used to looking everywhere. Creative ideas can come from life experiences, other art, and even dreams. The world offers endless sparks for musicians to put into their performing, teaching, and more. Technical musical skills come mainly from practicing the craft. But beyond that, there are connections between musicianship … Continue reading Four Ways Playing Poker Will Make You a Better Musician

6 Scientifically Proven Ways Music Benefits Seniors (And How You Can Play at Any Age)

Music is a practical and powerful panacea for people of all ages, but especially young children and seniors—and for many of the same reasons. Music has a profound effect on seniors’ mental and physical health and overall happiness, proving you’re never too old to make music.

Online music-making with nearly no lag time—really!

Susan Alexander found a way to fill the “big, depressing hole in your life where playing music with other people used to be”—a hole caused by this year’s official restrictions on in-person gatherings to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus.